• 5th International Artists Gathering of Fez
    ”Creative Economy”
    9th - 12th January 2020







Evi Blink

After Evi Blink, born 1986 in Heidelberg Germany, finished her apprenticeship as photographer in 2011, she started to Latest she is working on a project about young women in Marrakech.

Fatma Gültas

Fatma Gültaş, born 1989, has been a co-curator of the independent art space Prima Kunst in Kiel,Germany since 2011. Currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Fine Art under the tutelage of Professor Piotr Nathan at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Art and Design parallel to a Master of Education in Philosophy at the Christian Albrecht University in Kiel. A part of her Bachelor’s degree in Fine Art and Philosophy was completed at the Mimar Sinan University in Istanbul, where she conducted original research on two of the city’s mosques; the Hagia Sophia and Selimiye.In addition to her work at the Prima Kunst Gallery, her art has been exhibited in group shows in Kiel, Berlin, Hamburg, NYC, Istanbul, Danzig, Fez. She took part in Artist-in-Residence-Programms in Turkey, Marocco and Taiwan.

Miriam Hicklin

Miriam is a writer from London, living in the Fez Medina. Splitting her time between blogging, journalism and short fiction, she focuses on the smaller details of daily life in the old town. As assistant editor, she works on Fez Photo’s written material. As a creative partner in the project, she provides insights from her own work into life in Fez.

Patrick Segura

Abderrahim El Hassani

Soukaina Joual

Soukaina Joual, visual artist, born in 1990, lives and works in Fes. Graduated from the National Institute of Fine Arts 2011 in Tetouan, Morocco. Her work has been shown in several exhibitions, including the Contemporary Art Fair of Africa and the Mediterranean in Casablanca in 2011; BLAST at the GVCC in 2012, "Diary of a Thief - we steal Because We love" the Sunday Issue Gallery in Tokyo in 2013 and "A Matter of Sensuality" in JIKKA in Tokyo in 2015… She has been invited for many artist residencies including, La cite internationale de Paris, The French Institute of Fez, La friche Belle de Mai in Marseille

Sid Brahim Khalil Tidjni

Movement Cercle Souffles is a spiritual cultural and social movement dedicated to sufism and the Tijani spiritual path. Created as a intellectual circle gathering religious leaders, researchers, teachers, writers and artists affiliated to the Tijani spiritual path.

Hamza El Fasiki

Hamza El Fasiki is a multidisciplinary artist: Traditional Visual Copper Artist and Traditional Andalusian Musician from Fez, Morocco. He is also Founder of CraftDraft.Org

Ramia Beladel

Ramia Beladel (°1987, Marrakech, Morocco), graduated from the fine art institute in Tetouan Morocco, is an artist who works in a variety of media. With a conceptual approach, Beladel tries to approach a wide scale of subjects in a multi-layered way, likes to involve the viewer in a way that is sometimes physical, her artworks directly respond to the surrounding environment and uses everyday experiences from the artist as a starting point. Often these experiences are framed instances that would go unnoticed in their original context.


PILOTENKUECHE / international artist residence' Martin Holz ,born in Germany, 1986, living and working in Leipzig, is a visual artist and author. He merges and combines artistic and literacy techniques to do a transdisciplinary spectrum with a special focus on performance art strategies, groupdynamic and intermediality. As initiator of the interdisciplinary symposium "conquering places" , Germany 2014, he worked as a project manager. In 2014 he started working at the project 'PILOTENKUECHE / international artist residence' as a scholar and later, in 2015, he run the project together with Ines Lucines. Basing on this activity he supports artists around the world giving one scholarship to its residents in a period of four months. Martin Holz realized diverse exhibitions, projects and publications. In these activities he iscontinuously working together with other artists, authors and scientists.

Frank Vellenga

Frank Vellenga works a documentary filmmaker and photographer, usually on social issues. He lives in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. For more than 25 years he has worked as a director on documentaries and reportages, shown on filmfestivals and broadcasted on public tv ,   making photos “on the side” in countries as different as for example Morocco, Siberia/Russia, Indonesia, Eritrea , India, Bolivia, Congo, Sierra Leone, Egypt, Romania, Austria and Germany. Some of his films have been shown in over 30 countries in Europe, Asia and America. Now he is more into photography , basically looking for the meaning of pictures in a flood of visual stimulation via internet and other platforms . The more individualistic a photo is, the better it becomes is his credo .